Lilium martogon
(Лилия кудреватая)
Lilium martogon is a graceful flower that considered to be extremely rare in many areas of the country and should be protected.
This perennial herb belongs to the family Liliaceae.
At the height of Lilium martagon can reach half metres.In June-July on a lily blossom pink flowers gathered in racemes. Lily stamens have violet anthers.This flower prefers rich, moist soil. It grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, found on the slopes.
(Венерин башмачок)
Cypripedium calceolus is a beautiful flower orchid family. These original and rare flowers and its nicknames have no less interesting - "lady's slipper", "shoes of Venus", "ladies shoes", "flowers-moccasins", "young lady in a hat", "zozulka" and, oddly enough, "Adam head. "The names of these are associated with unusual shape of the flower - one of the petals has a shape shoes.
Many varieties of this type of artificial bloom for a long time, which is typical for all orchids - flowers are kept for several weeks and even months.Lady's Slipper is able to bloom in different seasons, often - 2 times a year. Caring for these flowers, you need to maintain high humidity and semidarkness, regularly but moderately make watering. Transplant the plant suffers not too good, though it is quite possible. It is possible to produce a division for reproduction.Despite the rarity, lady's slipper, with a large share of good luck, can be found throughout Europe - including in Russia.
Convallaria majalis L.
(ландыш майский)
Сonvallaria majalis L. is a real miracle of nature gentle and charming. This is an amazing flower, belonging to the family Liliaceae, blooms in May and June, preferring shady deciduous forests. Lily of the valley reaches a height of 15-25 cm. In the arcuate stem swaying brush bowed pearly white flowers, shaded basal elliptical leaves. Once the flowers are pollinated, lily of the valley formed round green berries that turn red with time gradually. Lily of the valley is poisonous, but it is widely used in the manufacture of medicaments for the treatment of cardiac diseases. Used this amazing flower for healing eye diseases, nerve and heart disease, in folk medicine. In our time, Lily of the valley no less precious than those same pearls of legends, that's why he is listed as endangered and protected by law.
(белая кувшинка)
White water lily, Nymphaea is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Nymphaeaceae. It can be seen on the muddy peat bogs or on the surface of stagnant lakes, rivers with slow current.It has got its name because of the shape of a flower fruits similar to pitcher.Waterlily flower has long been considered the nymphs.Nowadays, white water lily is considered a rare species, it is listed as endangered, and only depends on us to overcoming-grass finally become a tall tale folk.
(прострел раскрытый)
Pulsatilla patens a surprisingly delicate flower, a kind of symbol of spring and purity. This is a perennial herb that belongs to the buttercup family and grows in the sub-continental climate. The Latin name of the flower from the word «pulsare», which means "to move, set in motion." This is due to the full capacity of flower petals and fluffy lint respond to the slightest breath of wind. Favorite habitat - lumbago - pine forests. Here, on a bed of pine needles, and blooms in April and May, these listed in the Red Book of the flowers.Pulsatilla patens is not only beautiful. He also refers to the number of medicinal plants has a strong bactericidal and fungicidal properties (kills fungi). Another important quality of this flower has earned him a fabulous popularly known as "sleep-grass." Nowadays Pulsatilla patens belongs to the most popular spring flowers - delicate purple flower buds, pubescent touching fibers, perfect in its artlessness. They thus decided to give friends and loved ones. But, unfortunately, often become the victim of backache "flower poachers", which causes serious damage to the populations of these beautiful flowers.
Nelumbo nucifera
(лотос орехоносный)
Nelumbo nucifera is also called Indian belongs to the family of the lotus. It is considered a relic of the Tertiary flora, entered in the Red Book and is under state protection. This amphibian herbaceous perennial that although prefers to grow in flowing water of rivers and lakes, in cozy bays, bad moves and lives on land - when the groundwater level is lowered.Sacred Lotus has long massive rhizome hiding under water, and leaves long-petiolate (lying on the surface of the water), and scale-like (under water). Lush pink (or white) flowers reach a diameter of 20-30 cm. In the center is a receptacle and a group of yellow stamens. In the fruit ripens receptacle - nut. Precisely because of this nut to crack Sacred Lotus got its name.
(бересклет карликовый)
Euonymus nana is a showy evergreen shrub belonging to the family Celastraceae. Deemed view endangered and protected by the state. Included in the Red Book. Euonymus justifies its name - its height, usually less than 50 cm, for good reason - this shrub belongs to the creeping species. It has lots of easily rooted stems that give the ascending shoots.Nowadays dwarf euonymus willingly used by specialists in landscape and park design - it is an excellent material for creating borders and clumps.
(женьшень настоящий)
Panax ginseng is a true miracle of nature, plant, which in many nations of the world is considered to be the cure for all diseases. Latin name of ginseng itself translates as "panacea". Panax ginseng belongs to the family Araliaceae. On the stem, which has a height of 30-60 cm, grow leaves whose shape echoes the shape of a maple leaf. Umbrellas flowers are inconspicuous, but the red berries are evident on a background of green. The root of the same and the main value of ginseng reaches a length of 12 cm. Panax ginseng grows in mountain pine and mixed forests. It is believed that this plant has absorbed the power of natural energy. And the origin of ginseng is associated with the intervention of a higher power. In China assured: lightning, which is sent to the earth gods, bears a true blessing or punishment. If lightning hits the source, who goes under the earth, and in its place grows ginseng, which has a vital force, God blessed touch. No wonder the second name of ginseng - "the root of life."
Leontopodium sp. is a rare species protected as the legendary flower lovers. It belongs to the family Asteraceae. At the height of this plant reaches 10-15 cm. Graceful stems crowned proud, reminiscent of the stars, flowers - inflorescence basket framed horizontal pubescent bracts that look like stars.In June and July on the slopes, at an altitude of about 1800 m, these beautiful flowers bloom, which for scarce vegetation seem just a whim wizard, at the whim of their planted there is fluffy miracle of nature. In fact, everything is much easier - Edelweiss prefer to grow in soils rich in limestone and shale.
I know all plants mentioned here and I really like them! :)))